Frequently asked questions
Entry portal open
Wednesday, 15 May 2024 – Friday, 19 July 2024
Finalist Announcement
Week of September 23, 2024
Check our website and your emails. We will announce the finalists through our official channels.
Awards Ceremony
Thursday, 21 November 2024
Jones Bay Wharf, Level 3, Heritage Wharf
APCO has partnered with Banksia Foundation who will bring in an independent judging panel comprising of professionals from across the packaging industry value chain.
NEW: Australasian Recycling Label (ARL) Excellence Award (Member exclusive)
Best-of-the-Best Reporting Award (Member exclusive)
Consumer Education Award
Improved Recycling Systems Award
Industry Education Award
Recycled Content Award
Reuse Award
Sustainable Packaging Guidelines (SPGs)
Who can enter?
The awards are open to all *Australian, New Zealand and Pacific Island businesses implementing innovative and impactful packaging solutions, not just to APCO Members and Signatories.
*Please note that only APCO Members and Signatories are eligible to apply for the Australasian Recycling Label (ARL) Excellence Award and Best of the Best Reporting Excellence Award.
Who in my organisation can create the submission?
We welcome all individuals who meet the criteria of the relevant category to apply for the awards. It is important that all applicants review the rules carefully to confirm their eligibility and ensure that their submission is complete and meets the necessary requirements.
Can I enter in consecutive years?
Yes, however you may not enter the same initiative/project two consecutive years.
Can I enter more than on category?
Yes, however you may not enter the same initiative/project in more than one category. You must choose the category that is most relevant to the nature of your entry. For a detailed summary of each category please see Award categories.
Can I nominate myself for the Sustainability Champion award?
Yes, entrants can be self-nominated.
How will l know if I’m selected as a finalist?
All entrants will be notified by email by September 2024.
What is the next step if l am selected as a finalist?
Finalists will be contacted via email by September 2024 and advised of next steps.
Where is the award criteria located?
Visit the APCO awards website.
Create an Account
Register on the Banksia awards portal and begin your application.
Compile Your Entry
Gather all necessary documents, images, videos and information.
Submit Your Entry
Complete your application on the Banksia portal, including all supporting materials and payment.
Supporting materials
– relevant documents,
– images (300dpi resolution),
– and video links (via YouTube) to support your entry.
Limit the number of supporting documents to focus on quality over quantity.
Vox Pop submission
To bring the entries to life this year, we invite all applicants to contribute a short video statement, commonly known as a “vox pop.” This video will provide insights into your packaging innovations and what winning an APCO award would mean to you and your organisation.
Media uploaded to the portal
Only media uploaded to the PR section of the portal will be used in media releases, this material will not be used in the award evaluation.
Yes, after completing the submission process through the online portal, you will need to click “submit” and proceed to the online payment page to pay the entry fee.
Once the payment has been successfully made, you will receive an email and a tax receipt as confirmation of your payment.
Please be aware that submissions will not be considered valid until the full payment has been received.
If you require a pre-payment invoice, kindly contact one of our team members at hello@banksiafdn.com. A 1.5% fee will be incurred for MASTERCARD or VISA card payments.
Unfortunately, we do not accept AMEX cards.
Your entry fee contributes to the following:
– Covering administration costs required to process entries.
– Facilitating the judging process and providing feedback to all entrants
– Coordinating the prestigious award evening and annual events.
– Acquiring materials, knowledge, and resources to support the award program.
Your entry fee is determined by your organisation size, based on the above infographic. Please note a fee applies for each entry
Note that the Industry sector-based awards will still exist at zero cost to Members. The finalists and winners will be determined by Member Services and the Packaging Transformation team. There is no need for Members to apply for these awards as they will be judged based on the quality of their reports if submitted by 31 March 2024.
No. APCO nor Banksia offers a refund of entry fees. Please read carefully through the ‘2024 APCO Awards Entry Criteria’ before you start your submission.
The judges are an independent panel of industry professionals who are highly experienced and respected in their fields and represent a variety of packaging sectors.
Judges are committed to maintaining confidentiality by signing non-disclosure agreements (NDAs), safeguarding your valuable information.
Judges will evaluate your entry against the specified criteria, assigning a numerical score that reflects its merits.
Judges will be ineligible to score your entry if they have any potential conflicts of interest.
Entries undergo a rigorous judging process involving: an initial APCO review, with shortlisted candidates, and final evaluations by an independent Award Governance Committee (AGC) organised in partnership with the Banksia Foundation.
Submissions are assessed against three areas: innovation, accessibility and, impact.
Where is the ceremony being held?
Doltone House, Jones Bay Wharf, Heritage Wharf, level 3.
Piers 19-21, 26/32 Pirrama Rd, Pyrmont NSW 2009.
How do I get to the venue?
See this PDF for information.
Dress code?
Will the ceremony be streamed?
No, this is an in-person event.
I’m not an APCO Member, can I still attend?
Yes, we’ve opened the event up to the whole industry and encourage everyone to attend.
Where can I purchase tickets?
Visit our Eventbrite page.
Can I purchase a ticket at the event?
Unfortunately, no. To manage catering, ticket sales will end 11:59PM (AEDT) 7 November 2024. All patrons wishing to attend must purchase a ticket prior to the deadline.
When is the registration deadline?
Ticket sales will end 11:59PM (AEDT) 7 November 2024. All patrons wishing to attend must purchase a ticket prior to the deadline.
I’m not an APCO Member, can I still attend?
Yes, we’ve opened the event up to the whole industry and encourage everyone to attend.
Unable to attend?
If you are unable to attend, a substitute delegate is welcome at no additional charge. It is not possible to transfer a ticket from one account to another. Instead, you can edit your order information to put your ticket under someone else’s name and email address.
Can I cancel my ticket?
All cancellations must be advised in writing to APCO apco@apco.org.au. Cancellations dated on or before Thursday 7 November 2024 will incur a cancellation fee of $50. Cancelations dated on or after Thursday 7 November 2024 will not be refunded. You may substitute your ticket to another delegate at no extra charge.
Ticket refund policy
All cancellations must be notified by email to APCO apco@apco.org.au. Cancellations dated on or before Thursday 7 November 2024 will incur a cancellation fee of $50. Cancelations dated on or after Thursday 7 November 2024 will not be refunded.
Strictly no refunds will be made for cancellations advised on or after Thursday 7 November 2024.